Name :
    LOVE: Love in Taipei City; Love in Taiwan  
Description:     On the commercial tower’s front square, where global business professionals shuttle back and forth, the universal language of LOVE tears down cultural, racial and national barriers to conjure up visions of peace and prosperity.  
Address:     Xinyi Dist.,Taipei CityOn the square in front of No. 45, Shifu Road  
Category1:     景點  
Category2:     Public Art  
MRT:     Taipei 101/World Trade Center  
Position:     位置緯度:25.033492  
Position - Google地圖:
City:     Taipei  
Date:     2015/01/05  
Attribution: 資訊來源為「臺北市政府」
Description:     On the commercial tower’s front square, where global business professionals shuttle back and forth, the universal language of LOVE tears down cultural, racial and national barriers to conjure up visions of peace and prosperity.  
Address:     Xinyi Dist.,Taipei CityOn the square in front of No. 45, Shifu Road  
Category1:     景點  
Category2:     Public Art  
MRT:     Taipei 101/World Trade Center  
Position:     位置緯度:25.033492  
Position - Google地圖:
City:     Taipei  
Date:     2015/01/05  
Attribution: 資訊來源為「臺北市政府」
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